Caryn Ginsberg, author, strategic planner and educator outlines her five key steps towards more effective and sustainable animal advocacy.
Veganism, dizzying in the speed of its growth, is now ubiquitous on restaurant menu options, billboards, newspapers and television. The vegan message, with concerns over animal suffering and environmental degradation at its heart, has struck a chord with many Christians. Subsequently, discussions about veganism are becoming more common among people of faith. Whether it be a light-hearted exchange or heated debate, in person or on social media, a question which often arises in conversation is “but didn’t Jesus eat meat?”
Deanne Thomsen, an experienced Outreach Manager with expertise in Public Communications, reflects upon the similarities between vegan activism and Christian evangelism and shares her knowledge of effective and sustainable outreach.
Although eating turkey has become synonymous with Christmas in the UK, could revelations about the appalling conditions in which these birds are raised lead us to reconsider how we celebrate this Christian tradition? With these revelations hitting the headlines, this season might present an opportunity for Christians to reflect on whether turkeys belong on the Christmas dinner table.
The Revd Tom Harris reflects upon his childhood struggles of having to suppress his compassion towards animals, his eye-opening experience of watching Cowspiracy and how faith informed and supported his vegan journey.
Piers Morgan has recently been hitting the deadlines again for offending vegans, this time for eating a Big Mac in front of an animal rights activist on live TV. This stunt was similar to a 2017 incident on Fox News when anchor Jesse Watters ate a steak while interviewing a vegan woman during an on-air segment about meat-eating.
Fr Donatello Iocco, priest at St. Ambrose Church, Toronto, reflects upon his shock at discovering the truth behind the meat industry and how his subsequent decision to go vegan brought about a sense of spiritual freedom.
Connor Jackson, CEO and Co-founder of animal advocacy charity Open Cages, reveals the terrible reality behind Frankenchickens. He explains how these genetically engineered chickens suffer on factory farms, how undercover investigations are exposing the cruelties of industrial animal agriculture and how people can take action against the sale of Frankenchickens.
Former slaughterhouse worker Doug Maw offers some eye-opening insights into the meat industry, the enormous challenges of working in an abattoir, and the hope and healing which comes through faith in Christ and vegan advocacy.
Tomi Makanjuola, chef and author, spoke at COP26 on the critical need for a food revolution in order to tackle the current climate crisis, and how we need not give up our culture heritage in the process.