Fr John Chryssavgis explores the rich tradition of the Desert Monastics and their relationship to animals and the natural world.
The Natural World
Dr Philip J. Sampson FOCAE, writer and lecturer on animals and animal ethics explores the impact of climate change, the benefits of plant-based diets in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and why Christians should be concerned about species extinction.
Philip Lymbery, Chief Executive of Compassion in World Farming and author of Dead Zone: Where the Wild Things Were, reflects on his childhood memories of being a vicar’s son, developing a passion for animals and campaigning against the terrible impact of factory farming.
The Rt Revd John Arnold, Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, addresses the Creature Conference on how Pope Francis’s encyclical letter Laudato Si has triggered new, pioneering thinking in regards to animals and animal issues.
Mary Colwell, public speaker, producer and writer specialising in nature and the environment, reflects upon Thomas Merton, God’s presence within creation and humanity’s connection with the natural world.