Dr. Richard D, Ryder, Cambridge educated psychologist, philosopher and Scientific Adviser to Catholic Concern for Animals argues humanity suffers from an addiction to animal cruelty. Nonetheless, religious leaders are leading the way in bringing about lasting change.
Christianity and Animals
Professor Karen Swallow Prior, lecturer in English at Liberty University and Research Fellow with the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, argues compassionate care of animals is a scriptural mandate and that humanity needs to reclaim its Biblical responsibility to care for all God’s creatures.
Dr. William Greenway, Associate Professor of Philosophical Theology at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, explores the concept of Agape and how it gifts us with, not only personal faith and freedom, but also enlivens the heart with a concern for the flourishing of all creatures.
Evangelical Christianity and animal advocacy are often perceived as irreconcilably at odds with each other. Therefore it will come as a surprise to many that the pioneers of animal welfare reform before the twentieth century were Christians who showed a passionate kindness towards ‘God’s beasts’. Dr Philip J. Sampson, Fellow of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics, discusses the distinctively Evangelical spirituality which inspired them.
Ex-Franciscan friar, Dr Alan McManus, reflects upon the extraordinary life of St. Francis of Assisi and reveals, not only a man with a remarkable heart for animals, but also a revolutionary figure against cruelty and injustice.
Carlos L. Malavé, Executive Director of Christian Churches Together, works to enable churches and national Christian organizations to grow closer together in Christ in order to strengthen their Christian witness in the world.
Carlos speaks to Sarx about the treatment of animals in today’s society, human dominion and role of the church in caring for Creation.