For the Revd Dr Johannes Arens, his relationship with Dolly the collie was vital in helping him face the challenges of lockdown! In this blog, Fr Johannes reflects upon living with Dolly and how such positive encounters can lead to thinking about wider animal issues.
Lent Guide
The Revd Ian Tattum considers the tension and complexity between human-animal relationships and how Lent offers a timely opportunity to reconsider our perspectives on animals.
Consider the Birds; Consider them Afresh! – The Revd Ian Tattum was last modified: February 17th, 2021 by admin
The Revd John Ryder considers the beauty of creation and how Lent offers an opportunity to re-examine our lives, beliefs and practices in relation to all God’s creatures.
The Praise of Creation – The Revd John Ryder was last modified: February 17th, 2021 by admin
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